
Why Are Your Teeth Becoming Yellow? Learn the Many Potential Causes of Teeth Yellowing

Do your teeth appear to be fading from their original whiteness? Given that having yellow teeth is frequently linked to aging and you don’t want to appear or feel your age, you can be very concerned.

Thankfully, your cosmetic dentist can undoubtedly assist you in achieving the whiter, brighter smile you desire. The first step will be to identify the causes of your yellowing teeth because this will reveal the kind of discoloration you have and affect the alternatives you have for whitening them. You can contact California Dental Group at 800-407-0161 for help.

Eating or drinking things that stain the teeth

Smoking, chewing tobacco, drinking dark beverages like coffee and cola, and consuming foods high in chromogens like grapes, blueberries, and pomegranates can all readily discolor the outer layer of dental enamel (pigment-producing substances). Red wine and tea include chromogens as well as tannins that aid in chromogen adhesion to enamel, giving them a double punch of staining power.

Poor oral hygiene

If you don’t take care of your teeth very well, plaque will build up on the enamel’s surface and harden into tartar. Tartar has a yellowish tint and can easily make your grin appear less brilliant. Additionally, those stain-causing meals and beverages will stick even more effectively if you aren’t brushing enough.


Some drugs and chemicals can change how well your teeth’s enamel and dentin transmit light, giving them a yellowish or even brownish appearance. Before the age of 8, children who take antibiotics like tetracycline and doxycycline frequently develop discoloration. Teeth may turn yellow as a result of fluoride overexposure in well water as well as chemotherapy administered to the head or neck.

Cavities and fillings

Dental fillings made of silver amalgam may make the surrounding enamel appear darker. Additionally, you will see brown or black discoloration if decay progresses around any fillings.


Age-related enamel thinning affects everyone to varying degrees. If you have acid erosion on your teeth, this process will move forward more quickly. More of your naturally yellowish dentin will show through when the enamel becomes thinner.

Fixing yellow teeth

If you undergo a professional dental cleaning, a teeth whitening procedure, and then practice improved oral hygiene at home, you might be able to acquire the color improvements you want if your teeth are yellow owing to stains and/or tartar.

Teeth whitening procedures won’t work if your teeth are discolored as a result of structural changes to the tooth, such as drug stains, fillings and decay, or thin enamel. Instead, you should obtain white fillings to replace your metal ones, then get porcelain veneers to cover your stained teeth and give you a bright smile.

Call California Dental Group right now if you’d like to speak with a skilled cosmetic dentist about your choices for treating yellow teeth.

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