
What Causes Gum Disease?

Gum disease starts with inflammation of the gum line that supports the teeth. Gum line inflammation is caused by bacterial plague build up that infects the surrounding tissue. When plague build up is not removed from routine brushing and flossing, the plague will eventually form into a harden calculus. Prolong inflammation of the gum line can eventually progress to infect the bones that surrounds and supports the teeth. Gum disease can be classified into three progressive stages called gingivitis, periodontist, and advanced periodontitis, which ranges from mild to severe.

The Difference Between Gingivitis and Periodontist

Gingivitis is defined as the inflammation of the gum line cause by bacterial buildup in plagues. Bacteria in the plaque is what causes the gums to become inflamed and bleed when brushing. Gingivitis is generally defined as the early stages of gum disease. During this stage of gum disease, the teeth remains firmly planted on the supporting bone structure underneath the gum line. Usually, no pain or discomfort is noticeable but visual indication of swelling and redden gum line is visible. At this early stage of gum disease, gingivitis can be treated to reverse bone and connective tissue lose that holds the teeth in place by controlling plaque buildup.

If gingivitis is left untreated, gum disease can progress to a more severe form called periodontitis. The bacteria in the plaque will eventually reach and infect the tissue and bone beneath the gum line. At this stage, the bones and fibers that support the teeth becomes irreversible damaged. The gums that surround the teeth starts to detach forming pockets or gaps between the teeth and gum line. If left untreated, the pockets will deepen and the gum and connective tissues are destroyed. Eventually, the teeth will start to loosen and may eventually be removed. Periodontal therapy treatment by your dentist and proper oral hygiene can help reduce disease progression.

In the most severe stages of gum disease, the bone and connective tissue of your teeth becomes destroyed from advanced periodontitis. This can have a severe impact on your bite and teeth attachment to the underlying supporting structure. Features of advanced periodontitis include rapid loss of tissue, bone, and the localized area or the whole mouth. If left untreated, the teeth may need to be removed.

Preventing Gum Disease

To prevent gum disease, visit your dentist for regular teeth cleaning and practice good brushing and flossing hygiene. If you have more advance gum disease, your dentist will recommend scaling and root planning to be performed to treat disease periodontal pockets to reduce the deepening gap and gum infection.

Don’t forget to schedule your regular cleaning and check up with your dentist to ensure that plaque is not building up. Be sure to contact California Dental Group at 800-407-0161 for your appointment.

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