
Teeth Whitening: Are You Getting Real Results or Just Covering Up a Bigger Problem?

If you have been using over-the-counter teeth whitening options and have been seeing results, this is great news – but is it enough? In some cases, even though your teeth might look whiter, you could actually be just covering up a more serious issue. Keep reading and then contact California Dental Group at 800-407-0161 if you are due for teeth cleaning and exam.

It’s Important to Determine What is Causing Your Less-Than-Perfect Teeth

As a person ages, their enamel becomes thinner. Underneath the enamel is dentin, which is a sort of grayish color. That is why teeth naturally become less white – because the enamel starts to thin and allow the dentin to show through. If this is the cause of your yellowing teeth, then professional tooth whitening can be a great solution.

However, if there is another cause for your teeth being less than perfect, while professional teeth whitening can help, it will not actually address the real cause of the problem.

Smoking Could Be the Cause

A common cause of yellowing teeth is the use of tobacco. Yes, you know how bad it is for your health, but many people have no idea that it causes significant yellowing of the teeth. It can also increase your chance of developing oral cancer, gum disease, and other issues. Yes, teeth whitening can help with this issue, but you will have much better long-term results from quitting smoking.

Drinking Soda

Soda is acidic by nature. While regular soda is worse due to its sugar content, even diet soda is bad for your teeth due to acid. Ideally, you would stop drinking soda altogether to keep it from affecting your teeth. However, if you are going to drink it, consider using a straw so that it does not come into direct contact with your teeth.

Drinking Coffee

There is a lot to love about coffee, and many people love to have several cups per day. Unfortunately, coffee beans can easily stain the enamel. If you drink iced coffee, you can use a straw as is recommended for drinking soda. If you only drink hot coffee, we recommend brushing your teeth when you are done to reduce the amount of time the coffee has to come into contact with your teeth.

We Can Help with Professional Teeth Whitening

If you are ready to have your teeth professionally cleaned, we are ready to help you. Contact California Dental Group at 800-407-0161 to find out how we create the right whitening plan that will get you the results you want. We can also help you determine what is causing your teeth to yellow and help provide a plan to prevent further damage.

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