Keep your smile healthy and beautiful by visiting the dentist in North Hollywood CA
Each and every patient is important at California Dental Group. With seven locations to serve you, each of which is staffed by a friendly group of professional dental specialists, we make visiting the dentist North Hollywood CA convenient and even enjoyable. Whether you’ve just chipped a tooth, want to improve the look of your smile, or just need to schedule a routine cleaning, our expert staff can help.
Preventative Dental Care
Because we want every patient to enjoy healthy teeth throughout their life, we focus on preventative dental care. After all, the two most common issues in dentistry–tooth decay and gum disease–are both preventable with proper care! By keeping tooth decay and gum disease at bay, we can also lower patients’ risk for complications of these conditions such as cavities, infections, and tooth loss. With us as your dentist North Hollywood CA, you know you will get superior dental cleanings in a comfortable and relaxing environment.
Cosmetic Dentist in North Hollywood CA
Our expert cosmetic dental treatments help patients improve the beauty of their teeth. Available treatments include:
Restorative Dental Treatments
While brushing and flossing daily will help prevent dental problems, you may still need restorative care at some point. Fortunately, you can count on us to help you as your dentist in North Hollywood CA. Through the following restorative treatments, we can help you regain the natural look and functionality of damaged teeth:
Dental Emergencies
If you have a dental emergency, please don’t hesitate to call us. We will do our best to fit you in so that you can see a dentist and find relief from any pain right away.