
It is Important to Know the Risks of Gum Disease: Find Out What to Watch Out For

Nobody wants to get gum disease, but millions of Americans do. Each patient is carefully examined and cleaned at California Dental Group during routine cleanings and exams. If gum disease is present, we can take steps to stop it from worsening or spreading. You can also examine the following five factors to lessen the probability that you end up with gum disease. Then contact us at 800-407-0161 to set up an appointment.

Your Everyday Oral Health Care Routine

How well you take care of your teeth on a daily basis has the most influence on your risk of gum disease. Daily flossing and twice-daily brushing are recommended. We can decide which toothpaste will suit your needs the best when you visit California Dental Group. To make sure you are getting the most benefit from flossing, we may also go over best practices.

Your Lifestyle Decisions

The likelihood that you may acquire gum disease might be considerably increased by certain lifestyle decisions. Smoking and poor nutrition are the two most significant ones. Although many people primarily think of smoking as a danger to the heart and lungs, there are also clear connections between smoking and gum disease and other oral health problems.

Your oral health can be impacted by nutrition in a variety of different ways. Poor eating habits, for instance, can lead to obesity or poor health, both of which impair your body’s ability to fight off gum disease.

Your Age

The likelihood of getting gum disease increases with age. Although though you have no control over how old you get, you may be aware of this connection and improve your oral hygiene regimen as you get older. Do not assume that this will continue indefinitely even if you have never had gum disease or cavities in your life.


When determining whether or not you will acquire gum disease, genetics might be a major factor. Your overall chance of developing gum disease is increased if you are aware that either one or both of your parents have the condition. Again, you have no control over this, but you can take extra precautions to look after your health.

Additional Health Issues

Your risk of acquiring gum disease may be higher than average if you have certain underlying medical issues. Studies have demonstrated a connection between, for instance, gum disease and diabetes, heart disease, and other medical issues.

You can take precautions to keep as safe as you can even though you cannot completely control all the factors that influence your risk of having gum disease. Seeing your neighborhood dentist is one of those stages. Call 800-407-0161 to make an appointment with California Dental Group right away.

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