Dental News

How Nail Biting Can Harm Your Toddler’s Teeth

June 4, 2024

If your toddler continually bites or chews on their nails, this seemingly harmless habit can negatively affect their teeth and overall health. The constant chewing and biting can chip or wear down the front teeth, leading to various dental issues.

At California Dental Group, we want to help you understand the impact of nail biting on your child’s dental health and offer practical tips to curb this habit. Contact us at (800) 407-0161 if you need to speak with a family dentist.

The Dental Risks of Nail Biting

Tooth Damage

Nail biting can cause tiny chips to form across the front teeth, leading to fractures and enamel loss. As a result, the teeth become more sensitive, increasing the risk of early tooth decay. The continuous pressure from biting can also wear down the teeth, compromising their structural integrity.

Misaligned Teeth

Prolonged nail biting can exert pressure on the teeth, leading to misalignment. This can affect your child’s bite and overall oral health, potentially requiring orthodontic treatment in the future.

Gum Issues

Nail biting can also lead to recessed gum lines, where the gums pull away from the teeth. This exposes the roots and makes the teeth more vulnerable to decay and infection. Severe gum recession can eventually lead to tooth loss.

Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction (TMJ)

In the most severe cases, chronic nail biting can contribute to temporomandibular joint dysfunction (TMJ). TMJ is a painful condition that causes severe jaw pain and headaches. It can significantly impact your child’s ability to focus, eat, and enjoy daily activities.

Tips to Help Your Toddler Stop Nail Biting

Curbing your child’s nail-biting habit can be challenging, but with patience and persistence, it is possible. Here are seven tips to help your child stop nail biting:

1. Address Anxiety and Stress

Anxiety and stress can cause your toddler to bite their nails. Major changes, such as starting daycare or when parents go back to work, can be stressful for toddlers. Help reduce their anxiety by introducing positive activities such as playing ball, dancing, or painting. Address the source of their anxiety by helping them overcome the problem.

2. Keep Nails Trimmed

Neatly trimmed nails reduce the temptation for biting. Regularly trimming your child’s nails can help minimize the urge to chew on them.

3. Offer Alternatives

Provide alternatives if your child insists on chewing and biting. Offer sugar-free candy or healthy snacks to keep their hands and mouth busy. This can redirect their need to bite towards something less harmful.

4. Refocus Their Attention

Distract your child from nail biting by engaging them in activities that use their hands and fingers. Singing songs with hand movements or playing games that require hand use can effectively refocus their attention.

5. Reward Their Efforts

Positive reinforcement can be very effective. Praise and reward your child for not biting their nails. This can boost their confidence and encourage them to continue the good habit.

6. Try No-Bite Nail Polish

Consult with your dentist or physician before trying no-bite nail polish. This polish has a very bitter taste that can deter your child from putting their fingers in their mouth.

7. Avoid Scolding

It can be challenging not to scold your child’s biting habit, but scolding can exacerbate the problem. Instead, focus on positive reinforcement and be patient as your child works to overcome the habit.

Schedule a Dental Check-Up

Regular dental check-ups are crucial for maintaining your child’s oral health. If you’re concerned about the effects of nail biting on your child’s teeth, contact California Dental Group at (800) 407-0161 to schedule their next appointment. Our team can provide professional advice and care to keep your child’s teeth healthy and strong.

By understanding the risks associated with nail biting and implementing these strategies, you can help your child develop healthier habits and protect their dental health.

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