
Get the Facts: Could Any of These Natural Options Cure Gum Disease?

It used to be that gum disease was a problem that did not start surfacing until a person was in their 30s or even 40s. A recent study found that in today’s world, at least one in four patients in their 20s has an issue with gum disease. As this might be a lifelong battle for some, they often wonder: can I use natural cures to deal with it?

Keep reading to find out about some of the most commonly used natural cures and what they might actually do to help. Remember that the best defense against gum disease is good at-home oral health care. Then contact California Dental Group at 800-407-0161 to work with a dentist who can help you.

Green Tea Might Reduce Inflammation

One of the symptoms of gum disease is inflamed gums. Green tea has long been used to reduce overall inflammation and it might help do so with the gums. Green tea is brewed from green tea plants and reportedly has many antioxidant properties that people use to treat many different conditions. While it might help reduce inflammation from gum disease, remember that the inflammation is just a symptom – getting rid of it will not get rid of the underlying problem.

Lowering Stress Can Improve Just About Anything

Stress gets blamed for a lot of things these days – and for good reason. It can make anxiety and depression worse. It can increase a person’s chance of developing heart disease. Studies have shown that it can also increase a person’s chance of developing gum disease. One study by the University of Dusseldorf involved teeth cleaning for students, half of whom were about to start their exams. Those who were about to start had noticeably worse gum disease issues.

Rinsing with Natural Mixtures Can Be Helpful

If you rinse daily with a mixture of baking soda and water, you can fight natural acids that are part of the gum disease process. You can also rinse with warm saltwater to keep bacteria in check. Just be sure that you only do this occasionally as the saltwater can eventually harm your teeth.

Vitamin Supplements Can Help Numerous Medical Issues

Many people know supplements can be very helpful, which is why they have taken supplemental vitamins since they were kids. However, did you know that some vitamins might actually help fight gum disease? That is the case with Vitamin C, which, if there is a deficiency, can contribute to gum disease. Vitamin D has also been shown to help reduce bacteria count and boost the immune system.

While the above might help, keep in mind that they are not enough to replace visiting your dentist altogether. While it is important to take care of your overall health, regular visits to your dentist are an important part of keeping your oral health in good shape. Contact California Dental Group at 800-407-0161 to make a dental appointment today.

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