Many people make a dentist appointment with the best of intentions but end up having to skip it as the time gets closer. It might be that their teeth feel fine and they don’t see a reason to waste their time or money, or it could be that their life is simply too busy. Whatever your reasoning is, it is important to know what risks you are really taking when you skip going to the dentist.
Keep reading to learn three of the risks you are taking on, and then contact California Dental Group at 800-407-0161 to schedule your dental cleaning and exam.
- You Are Risking Serious Dental Work in the Future
- You Are Risking the Health of Your Gums
- You Are Risking Running Up a Big Bill
You are likely not surprised to learn that when you skip the dentist for years at a time, the chance that you will need significant dental work is much higher. This is because dental cleanings can get rid of much of the bacteria that would otherwise cause gum disease and other issues. Likewise, when you visit a dentist regularly, we can catch minor issues before they become major problems.
According to various studies, most people say they brush daily, but a majority report that they do not floss nearly as regularly. While we would love to see every patient floss on a daily basis, if you are not going to do so then you must at least visit your dentist every six months. During a thorough dental cleaning, we can get rid of bacteria and decay between your teeth. This can prevent serious issues in the future, including the loss of teeth.
No matter how good your dental insurance is, if you skip ten years of dentist appointments, you are risking a huge dental bill. The truth is simple: whatever dental issues you have today are not going to get easier or cheaper to deal with than they are today. Instead of paying for expensive tooth replacement, you can pay to get a filling. There are many other examples of ways that getting treatment earlier is likely to mean paying much less.
Now is the Right Time to Make an Appointment with a Dentist
Is there any reason to wait to contact California Dental Group? No. The sooner you reach out to us and visit us, the sooner we can get your teeth in top shape. Whatever dental issues you are dealing with will only get worse as time goes on unless you take care of it now. Call us at 800-407-0161 to make an appointment.