
Do You Know the Facts About Sugarless Gum and Its Effects on Your Oral Health?Many people chew sugarless gum for one reason and one reason only: to freshen their breath. While it can help with that, you might be shocked to learn that it can also aid with a lot more. In reality, it can aid in the protection and improvement of your oral health, as well as the prevention of cavities. What is the mechanism behind it? California Dental Group is here to walk you through the process.

Sugarless gum can help to boost saliva production, which helps to prevent cavities

Numerous research conducted by the American Dental Association have all come to the same conclusion: chewing sugarless gum for twenty minutes after a meal can help prevent tooth decay. Why? Chewing stimulates saliva production in the mouth. Saliva then cleans and protects your teeth from bacteria that might cause cavities by washing away food, neutralizing acids, and cleaning and neutralizing acids.

It’s important to note that it’s sugar-free

Because sugar-free gum must be sugar-free, we constantly stating it. While it’s true that eating sugared gum can help enhance saliva flow, sugar also helps germs grow. In other words, chewing sugared gum increases the chance of tooth decay in your mouth.

Not all sugar-free gums are made equal

Any sugar-free gum will do the trick, but there’s one component that makes it even better. Look for gum with xylitol as a sweetener. This chemical aids in the reduction of bacteria adhering to your teeth.

Protect your teeth’s enamel

Saliva contains calcium and phosphate, both of which serve to strengthen your tooth enamel. After a meal, strengthening your enamel is especially beneficial and vital, as it can result in additional bacteria-fighting and decay-defeating properties.

The American Dental Association makes selecting a gum treatment simple

You’ll notice that some sugarless gums have the ADA seal on them. This means that the gum has been tested and proved to do at least one – if not all – of the following: plaque acids and/or cavities are reduced, getting rid of gingivitis, and encouraging tooth enamel remineralization.

If you want to accomplish any or all of these effects through chewing sugarless gum, look for one that has the ADA seal on it.

A word of caution: chewing gum is not a substitute for brushing and flossing

Sugarless gum can help keep your mouth healthy, but it’s not enough on its own, and it should never be used as a replacement for your regular brushing and flossing routine. We recommend brushing twice a day with fluoride toothpaste and flossing once a day. This is your best chance at having a healthy mouth and keeping it that way.

Do you want to learn more about how to keep your mouth clean and healthy?

At California Dental Group, we are committed to offering our patients a variety of treatment options. Every patient’s first priority should be good, consistent daily brushing and flossing habits, but a close second should be receiving a regular dental checkup. Call us at 800-407-0161 to book an appointment if you’re overdue or have any other inquiries.

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