
Mesial impaction of Wisdom teeth. Medically accurate tooth 3D illustration

Years ago, a prevailing dental approach involved the preemptive extraction of wisdom teeth, to sidestep potential future issues. Modern dentistry, however, leans towards a more conservative approach, where wisdom teeth are monitored closely instead of automatic removals. This helps prevent patients from undergoing unnecessary procedures.

Keep reading to learn more about wisdom teeth and when it might be time to take action. Then contact California Dental Group at 800-407-0161 to book an appointment with a dentist.

Understanding Impacted Wisdom Teeth

Impacted wisdom teeth are those that either fail to break through the gum line entirely or do so only partially. There could be several reasons for this phenomenon – either the jaw lacks enough space to accommodate them, or they grow at an irregular angle.

Potential Complications from Impacted Wisdom Teeth

When wisdom teeth remain impacted, they could lead to multiple dental issues. Initial symptoms may include a feeling of discomfort or pressure, hinting at the teeth’s efforts to emerge. This pressure might also disrupt the alignment of adjacent teeth, leading to potential misalignment of the front teeth, altering one’s smile.

A semi-emerged wisdom tooth can make room for potential infections. The region surrounding a partially emerged tooth can become a breeding ground for bacteria, considering its challenging cleaning access. If not addressed, this bacterial infection could infiltrate the tooth’s root, even potentially affecting neighboring teeth. An unchecked spread of oral bacteria can increase susceptibility to health challenges, including heart ailments, diabetes, or cognitive disorders.

Is Extraction Always the Answer?

Certainly not. While statistics suggest that almost 90% of people may deal with an impacted wisdom tooth, only a fraction face severe complications. Teeth that are partially impacted warrant more attention due to the heightened infection risk.

Typically, by age 25, most individuals see their wisdom teeth fully emerge. If they remain impacted or semi-impacted post this age, it’s vital to ensure regular dental consultations. Regular monitoring via dental check-ups and x-rays ensures that potential issues are flagged and addressed at the earliest.

Choosing California Dental Group for Your Dental Needs

When an impacted wisdom tooth becomes troublesome, extraction often emerges as the ideal solution. Given the intricate nature of the procedure, it’s crucial to be in the hands of a trusted dental professional. That’s where California Dental Group steps in as your dependable choice. Our specialists in wisdom tooth extractions prioritize your comfort, address all queries, and ensure top-notch care post the procedure.

To discuss your wisdom teeth concerns or to gain deeper insights into wisdom teeth extractions, feel free to get in touch at 800-407-0161 today.

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