
Could Aloe Vera Be the Answer to the Sores in Your Mouth?

If you’re one of the many people who deal with mouth sores once a while, then you’re likely looking for any relief you can find. Note that these sores can be signs of a serious condition and if they last for longer than a week you should make an appointment with California Dental Group for a dental exam. However, for sores that last just a day or two and are simply inconvenient and mildly painful, there may be some simple solutions for you.

The aloe vera plant may be able to help with your oral health needs

You’ve likely heard of aloe vera as an effective treatment for sunburn, but believe it or not it can actually help to sooth and treat many oral health care conditions. This includes cold sores outside of your mouth, fever blisters outside of your mouth, and canker sores inside your mouth.

A mouth sore can have a number of causes

Mouth sores happen for a number of reasons. In some cases, it’s the body’s reaction to an illness like a cold or the flu. It may also be your body reacting to a food allergy, being under a lot of stress, or even a fungal or bacterial infection. There could be issues coming from inside your mouth too, like a loose wire from braces, a denture that doesn’t fit right, or a broken tooth or a tooth with a cavity that has a sharp edge.

How exactly does aloe vera work?

Aloe vera actually speeds up the healing process and can decrease the pain of cold sores outside of the mouth. Though these anti-inflammatory and anti-viral properties are helpful in and of themselves, they’re not the only way aloe vera can help. It also adds important vitamins and amino acids to the skin, which can help it heal even faster.

How to use aloe vera

If you have a cold sore, take some aloe vera lip balm or gel and rub it on the spot three times a day until your lesion is dry. Remember that cold sores are extremely contagious and that you must wash your hands after you apply the aloe vera.

Aloe vera juice can be helpful for internal ulcerations

If you have sores inside your mouth, such as canker sores – which are most commonly caused by stress – or lichen planus, a disease that affects the mucus membranes and skin, then aloe vera juice can help with them too. However, note that these can be serious health conditions and you should always consult with your doctor first.

Give us a call if the pain doesn’t go away

If you’ve tried treating your mouth sores with aloe vera and haven’t had success, then it’s time to contact California Dental Group at 800-407-0161. Remember that these sores can be a sign of something much more serious. Give yourself the peace of mind you need by visiting a dental professional.

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