Dental News

Archive for June, 2024

How Nail Biting Can Harm Your Toddler’s Teeth

June 4, 2024

If your toddler continually bites or chews on their nails, this seemingly harmless habit can negatively affect their teeth and overall health. The constant chewing and biting can chip or wear down the front teeth, leading to various dental issues.

At if you need to speak with a family dentist.

The Dental Risks of Nail Biting

Tooth Damage

Nail biting can cause tiny chips to form across the front teeth, leading to fractures and enamel loss. As a result, the teeth become more…

When Toothaches Aren’t Cavities: Other Reasons for Dental Pain

June 3, 2024

Many people assume that a toothache automatically means a cavity. While cavities are a common cause of dental pain, they are not the only reason your teeth might hurt. At , we emphasize the importance of making an appointment with your dentist as soon as you experience any tooth pain.

Your discomfort could be due to various conditions, and identifying the cause is crucial for effective treatment. Here are some potential reasons for your toothache besides cavities. Contact us at to request a dental appointment.

Periodontal Disease

Sometimes, a toothache isn’t directly related to your teeth. Periodontal disease, commonly known as gum disease, can cause pain that seems to originate from…

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