Month: June 2015

What to Expect When Getting Dental Implants

5 steps to beautiful replacement teeth. If you are missing one or more teeth, you have likely found yourself facing challenges with your appearance, with your ability to chew, and perhaps even with your pronunciation. There may also be additional problems such as bone...

Tooth Decay FAQ

Learn about the causes and treatments for tooth decay. Tooth decay is one of the most common diseases in America, with some reports showing that 1 in 5 Americans has untreated tooth decay. The great tragedy of this situation is that while without treatment tooth decay...

Toothache Remedies

The only lasting remedy for toothache pain is professional dental treatment. Suffering from a toothache? There is actually just one thing you need to do in order to find lasting relief: Call your dentist. Your dentist will be able to identify the cause of your pain...

Dental Care FAQ for Pregnant Women

Learn why good oral health is important during pregnancy and what kinds of dental care are appropriate. For many years, dentists and pregnant women avoided one another out of a misguided idea that dental care could be harmful for babies. As late as 2009, a survey...

Don’t Try DIY Dentistry

Professional dental care is always best. We offer many ways for you to afford this care. In this day and age, with professional dental care readily available in virtually every community in the nation, it seems absurd to warn against DIY dentistry. You might wonder:...
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